Ume gaixoa...
Morrissey-ren disko berria 2009ko azaroaren 23an jarriko da salgai. Years of refusal izango da bere izenburua. Jerry Finnek ekoiztu zuen hil aurretik.
Years of Refusal diskoak azaroaren 23an ikusiko du argia. Aurretik baina, single bat argitaratuko du abeslari britainiarrak:
I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris.
01. "Something Is Squeezing My Skull" (Morrissey, Alain Whyte)
02. "Mama Lay Softly on the Riverbed" (Morrissey, Whyte)
03. "Black Cloud" (Morrissey, Boz Boorer)
04. "I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris" (Morrissey, Boorer)
05. "All You Need Is Me" (Morrissey, Jesse Tobias)
06. "When Last I Spoke to Carol" (Morrissey, Whyte)
07. "That's How People Grow Up" (Morrissey, Boorer)
08. "One Day Goodbye Will Be Farewell" (Morrissey, Boorer)
09. "It's Not Your Birthday Anymore" (Morrissey, Whyte)
10. "You Were Good in Your Time" (Morrissey, Whyte)
11. "Sorry Doesn't Help" (Morrissey, Tobias)
12. "I'm Ok By Myself" (Morrissey, Tobias)