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Entzun! erredakzioa 2012-08-06

Trojan Presents Freedom Sounds

Jamaikaren independentziaren 50. urteurrena ospatzeko kutxa argitaratu du zigilu ezagunak

Independentziaren 50. urteurrena ospatzeko diskoa. Independentziaren 50. urteurrena ospatzeko diskoa.
"Historia del reggae" dokumentalaren hasiera. Derrick Morganen "Forward march".
The Harder They Come - Jimmy Cliff
Guztira, 100 abesti baino gehiago bildu dituzte 5 CDtan eta deskarga digitala bidezko beste kantu sorta batean. Kantuak ez ezik, 50 orritako liburua, postalak, pegatina bat... dakartza. Ska, rock steady, reggae, roots, dancehall... doinuak dira entzungai  kutxa honetan.

1962. urteko abuztuaren 6an, Jamaikak independentzia lortu zuen hiru mendez Erresuma Batuaren pean egon ondotik. Haize berriak zetozen, gauzak aldatuko ziren esperantza, eta ska musika sortu berriak baikortasun hori oso ongi islatu zuen. Orain badakigu gogo positibo horrek ez zuela luzera joko, baina independentziaren soinu banda, zalantzarik gabe, ska musika izan zen, dantzagarria, tempo azkarrekoa, alaia.
Skaren eromena eta bizi pozak ordea, ez zuen askorik iraun. Azkar eboluzionatu zen, rock steady geldoagora lehenik, reggaera ondotik, urteen poderioz egungo dancehall estilora iristeraino.

Munduko periferian zegoen herrialde txiro eta txiki batek musika esportatzaile handia bihurtu zen
Musika jaimakarrak bolbora bezala Mundu osora zabaltzea lortu zuen, eta munduko periferian zegoen herrialde txiro eta txiki batek musika esportatzaile handia bihurtu zen. Are gehiago, Jamaikan jamaikarrek sortu zuten musika honek, reggae gisa izendatuko duguna, herrialde honetako nortasun nazionala islatu du ezerk baino gehiago.

Ofizialki Jamaikatik kanpo lortzerik ez

Trojan Presents Freedom Sounds aipatu ditugun estilo harrigarri guzti hauei eta beren sortzaileei gorazarre egiten die. Hemen daude Jamaikako musikaren historiaren abeslari, ekoizle eta estudio nagusietako asko. Musikari dagokionez ere, askotariko ekarpenak daude (ikusi behean kantu zerrenda osoa) eta letrak independentzia eta esperantzari, amodioari edota irlako eguneroko bizitzarri buruzkoak dira gehien bat. Bestalde, eta datu hau inportantea da, diskoetxearen arabera, kutxa honetako grabazio gehienak ofizialki Jamaikatik kanpo lortzerik ez daude. Hori bai, ez dira kantu ezagunak falta.
Talde eta artisten artean aldiz, ez daude egon beharko luketen denak, baina daudenak, noski, badira: Ken Boothe, Derrick Morgan, The Heptones, Culture, Tyrone Taylor, Third World, Burning Spear, Pablo Moses, Alton Ellis & The Flames, Toots & The Maytals, Desmond Dekker & The Aces, U Roy & John Holt, Ernest Ranglin, The Paragons, Johnny Osbourne...
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Trojan logo.
Trojan logo.


Freedom Street - Eric Donaldson & The Keystones

(This Is) My Country - Cornel Campbell
Rainbow Country - Bob Marley & The Wailers
Stepping Free - Bob Andy
Love And Unity - Michael Prophet
I Shall Be Released - The Heptones
Trod On - Culture
Keep Life Table Turning - Tyrone Taylor
Freedom Song - Third World
Shout It Out - Burning Spear
One People - Pablo Moses
My My People - Judy Mowatt
Born Free - Michael Rose & Black Uhuru
If I Could Rule This World - Alton Ellis
(We The People Who Are) Darker Than Blue - Lloyd Charmers
Get Up (extended version) - Jackie Edwards
Jamaica's National Heroes - Prince Far I
Forward March - Derrick Morgan
You're The One (I Love) - Winston Samuels
Carry Go Bring Come - Justin Hinds & The Dominoes
007 (Shanty Town) - Desmond Dekker & The Aces
Rock Steady - Alton Ellis & The Flames
54 46 That's My Number - Toots & The Maytals
(Poor Me) Israelites - Desmond Dekker & The Aces
Wear You To The Ball - U Roy & John Holt
Cherry O Baby - Eric Donaldson
Trench Town Rock - Bob Marley & The Wailers
The Harder They Come - Jimmy Cliff
Marcus Garvey - Burning Spear
Two Sevens Clash - Culture
Police And Thieves - Junior Murvin
Uptown Top Ranking - Althea & Donna
Steppin' Out Of Babylon - Marcia Griffiths
Your Love's Gotta Hold On Me - Dennis Brown
Night Nurse - Gregory Isaacs
World A Music - Ini Kamoze
Girlie Girlie - Sophia George
I Wanna Wake Up With You - Boris Gardiner
Murder She Wrote - Chaka Demus & Pliers
Slam - Beenie Man
Rise Jamaica (Independence Is Here) - Al T. Joe
Confucius - Don Drummond & The Skatalites
Thunderball - Bobby Aitken & The Carib Beats
Wait For Me - The Vibrators
I Was Born A Loser - The Sensations
Bus Dem Shut - Bob Marley & The Wailers
Music Flames - Errol Brown
Flaming Rock Steady - Ernest Ranglin
I Really Love You - Clancy Eccles
Falling In Love (With You) - Rupie Edwards & The Virtues
Rhythm Hips (extended version) - Roland Russell & Eric Barnett
The Freedom Song  - The Uniques
No Business Of Yours - George Williams
Love And Unity - Ken Boothe
Sound Of The Reggae - Richard Ace
Love Of The Common People (Jamaican mix) - Nicky Thomas
No Man Is An Island - Derrick Harriott
Tye Tye - The Chuckles
Scout Call (extended version) - King Khouchi with Tommy McCook & Bobby Ellis
Blood And Fire (extended version) - Niney & The Big Youth
Freedom Train - The Gladiators
Jordan River (extended version) - Maxie & Glen with Dennis Alcapone
Midnight Confessions (extended version) - Phyllis Dillon
Brothers - The Heptones
None Shall Escape The Judgment (extended version) - Johnny Clarke & King Tubbys
Big May - Bunny 'Rugs' Clarke
Natty Jestering - Carl Malcolm
Last Of The Jestering - Augustus Pablo
Treating Me So Bad - Toots & The Maytals
Going Back To Ethiopia - The Righteous Foundation
Bionic Dread - Dillinger
I'm So Proud - Pat Kelly
Weep And Mourn - Israel Vibration
Sea Of Love - Horace Andy
Free Up (The Ghetto Children) - Mystic Eyes
Skylarking (extended version) - Barrington Levy
Man Next Door - The Paragons
Rock And Come On - Johnny Osbourne
Your Heart's Desire - The Mighty Diamonds
Blood A Go Run - Leroy Brown
Respect Due - Charlie Chaplin
Never Give Up My Pride - Luciano
It's In The Plan - The Planners
Lord A Massie Massie - The Spanishtonians
People Get Ready - The Carib-Beats
I'm In A Rocking Mood (alternate version)  - Austin Faithful
Travelling Man (alternate version) - The Techniques
I'm A Soul Sufferer - Lloyd Williams
What You Gonna Do - Johnny Melody & The Slickers
Whip Them - The Little Wonder All Stars
Song Of The Year - The Sparkers
People Talking - The Starlighters
Frying Pan - The Slickers
Every Day Will Be Like A Holiday - Trevor & The Maytones
West Board Jungle  - Paul Madden
A Taste Of Reggae  - Ska Campbell
Live It Up - Hopeton Lewis
Bawling Baby - Glen Adams & The Upsetters
Let Your Yeah Be Yeah (Jamaican mix) - The Pioneers
Royal Cord  - The Melodians
My Happy Home  - The Prophets
Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa (Sad Song) - Toots & The Maytals
Socialism Train - The Ethiopians
(Ode To) Billy Joe - Tommy McCook & The Specialists
What Kind Of World - Keble Drummond & The Cables
Chase The Devil (extended version) - Max Romeo & Prince Jazzbo
Jerusalem - Devon Irons
(It Looks Like) I'll Never Fall In Love Again - Delroy Wilson
Barnyard Boogie - Roland Alphonso & The Duke Reid All Stars
All In One - The Valentines
Beauty Is Only Skin Deep - The Soul Leaders
Hound Dog Special - Val Bennett
(I Am A) Free Man  - The Ethiopians
Pablo At Home - Augustus Pablo
Jah For All - Barrington Spence
My Brother - John Holt
Tell Me The Truth - Jah Thomas with Alton Ellis & The Supersonics
Teach Reality - Little Lenny

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